Dealmaking Expectations for 2022 Ownership Transition in the Middle Market Proposed Tax Law Changes Could
Prince Estate and IRS Settle Valuation Dispute Clint Eastwood Awarded $6.1 Million inRight of Publicity
In Michael Jackson Case, Tax Court Dismisses IRS Expert’s Revenue Projections as ‘Simply Not Reasonable’
How will the 2020 Election Impact Business Valuations? The possibility of a change in the
The Secrets to Expert Testimony That Engage and Persuade a Court Survey Finds Market for
Newest Survey on Private Rates of Return Acquisitions of Private Firms Up 12% in 2018
M&A Basics: Buying A Business Firms Relying More on Third Party Valuers Drivers for a
In This Issue: M&A Summary: Deal Values Up, Multiples Down Slightly Five Key Considerations When
In This Issue: Lady Liberty Stamp Costs USPS Millions in Copyright Infringement Avoid Leaving Money